EU-VETCARE Partners have started to design the innovative vocational training materials to meet the educational needs of the different professionals delivering health and social care to minor migrants, including asylum seekers, refugees, and unaccompanied minors, in Health Care Settings.
The EU-VETCARE project, funded by European Commission under Erasmus + program, in which Polibienestar participates, follows a solid methodology, where the educational needs of the professionals were assessed and the existing level of knowledge mapped in order to avoid the overlapping with what already exists.
The main educational needs of the different professionals were identified and analysed through an extensive qualitative study. In this extensive qualitative was performed in 5 partner countries (Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Italy and Germany), 15 focus groups with the participation of 99 professionals were carried out. In the focus groups, the professionals had the opportunity to discuss the main knowledge gaps and their capabilities to address the specific needs of migrant minors.
As a result, the following 8 topics were identified:
Universitat de València
Edificio Institutos de Investigación
Campus de Tarongers
Calle Serpis, nº 29
46022 – Valencia
Phone number: +34 96 162 54 12
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