The Research Institute on Social Welfare Policy (POLIBIENESTAR) is one of the research institutes at Universitat de València. Well-known internationally, its main research areas are innovation in social technology, technical advising and training in the social policy field.
Polibienestar is made up of an interdisciplinary team led by Jorge Garcés Ferrer, who is Príncipe de Asturias professor at Georgetown University (Washington DC) and more than 100 researchers shape the team. They come from Universitat de València, another 9 Spanish and 3 international associate universities.
First Co-Secur Project Newsletter
The Co-Secur project, funded by the Horizon Programme of the European Commission, has published its first newsletter. In this newsletter you will receive regular information about the activities and results …
El proyecto MENTOR+ celebra su reunión final en Trento
El 26 de septiembre de 2024, el proyecto europeo MENTOR+ celebró su reunión final en Trento, Italia. El anfitrión de la jornada fue Social IT, quien durante estos dos años …
Find out about the first results of the DanceCARE project on the benefits of Dance Movement Therapy
The DanceCARE project partners are joining their efforts to achieve the main objective of the project: to reduce the burden on informal caregivers of care tasks provided to older people …
En memoria de Carmen Alemán Bracho
Ayer, 10 de septiembre, falleció nuestra querida Carmen Alemán Bracho. Catedrática de universidad, investigadora y docente, impulsora de los servicios sociales en nuestro país, pero, sobre todo, una magnífica persona, …
Your Expertise As a healthcare professional Can Make a Difference in Paediatric Palliative Care
We invite you to participate in an electronic survey for healthcare professionals caring for children with palliative or end-of-life care needs. This survey is part of PALLIAKID, a comprehensive, multi-institutional …
¿Formas parte de un huerto urbano comunitario o te gustaría participar en uno?
¡Participa en esta encuesta y cultiva el conocimiento verde con nosotros para florecer como ciudad! Pincha en el enlace para participar en la encuesta y contribuye a construir un futuro …