I Cycle of Conferences “Conscious Organisations”.
Polibienestar co-organises the First Cycle of Conferences “Conscious Organisations”, which will take place between March and June 2022.
The cycle of Conferences Caixa Popular and Aula Empresocial of the Universitat de València consists of 5 conferences that will start on the 3rd of March and will be academically coordinated by Antonia Sajardo, researcher at the Polibienestar Research Institute. See the poster here
This is a series of conferences sponsored by Caixa Popular which will look at organisations from an interdisciplinary and human point of view, where the person plays a fundamental role in their proper functioning. These conferences aim to put people at the centre of the organisation, highlighting aspects such as trust, health promotion, success and personal happiness.
The conferences will be both face-to-face and on-line.
Day 1. 3rd March. At the headquarters of Caixa Popular (Av. Juan de la Cierva 9. Parque Tecnológico. Paterna, Valencia).
Salvador Pérez. Blockchain technology at the service of social impact.
Day 2. 31 March. In the Salón de Grados. Faculty of Economics. UV
Jaume Gurt. Success and happiness: reinventing concepts.
Day 3. 28th April. Ángel Escudero. At IMED Hospital in Valencia
Health promotion in organisations.
Day 4. 26th May. Emili Altur. At the Valencia Chamber of Commerce
Friendly environments in the company: managing emotions.
Day 5. 30 June. Mikel Bilbao. At the headquarters of Caixa Popular
The value of trust in organisations
Find out more details of the first conference, on 3 March, here
You can access the conference through this link
Paco Alós Alabajos, Director of CSR and Institutional Relations at Caixa Popular
16:40_PRESENTATION SPEECH: What is a conscious organisation?
Antonia Sajardo, lecturer at the UV and researcher at the Polibienestar research institute. CV
16:50_CONFERENCE. Blockchain technology at the service of social impact.
Salva Pérez, Graduate in Physical Systems Computing from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Master in Innovation and development of business projects at Florida Universitaria and PhD in Social Economy from the University of Valencia.
16:50_CONFERENCE DISCUSSANT. Digitalisation and the 2030 Agenda
Pilar Alguacil, Professor of Tax Law at the University of Valencia
17:50_CONCLUSIONS. Technology at the service of the social: the blockchain challenge
Antonia Sajardo
The aim of this cycle is framed within one of the fundamental pillars of the Universitat de València, which is the transfer of knowledge to society. Through a series of thematic conferences, the aim is to delve into transdisciplinary issues that affect the development of organisations and therefore the people who make them up.
The target audience is made up of students at the University of Valencia, business executives, managers of social organisations, public managers, health professionals and managers, and in general that part of society that understands that the development of organisations depends on the generation of values that promote the centrality of the human being as the centre of all economic and social processes. Values such as trust, happiness, emotion management, health promotion and blockchain technology with social impact will be analysed from a holistic perspective, with the aim of being thoroughly inserted into the heart of any organisation that understands that its own development is inextricably linked to the development of the people that make it up.
Universitat de València
Edificio Institutos de Investigación
Campus de Tarongers
Calle Serpis, nº 29
46022 – Valencia
Phone number: +34 96 162 54 12
Email: polibienestar@uv.es
Administration email: esther.cebolla@uv.es