Last week, from November 20 to 23, 2019, the 12th European Public Health Conference was held: Building bridges between solidarity and public health, in the city of Marseille (France), which was attended by our researchers Tamara Alhambra-Borrás and Alejandro Gil-Salmerón to present several research projects in the health area of the Polibienestar Institute.
Specifically, Alejandro Gil-Salmerón participated in the workshop: “MigHealthCare – Strengthening community care to minimize health inequalities”, organized by the Mig-HealthCare project consortium (Ref.: 738186). In this workshop, the results of the main research activities of the project were presented, and how these results supported the development of the interactive roadmap and toolbox of good practices for health delivery to vulnerable migrants and refugees in Europe.
Furthermore, Tamara Alhambra-Borrás participated in two workshops organized by the SCIROCCO (Ref.: 710033) and SCIROCCO Exchange (Ref.: 826676) projects. On the one hand, Polibienestar was present in the workshop “SCIROCCO: a tool to accelerate the adoption of integrated care” and on the other in the “SCIROCCO Exchange: support for the transfer of knowledge for the adoption and expansion of integrated care”, where the SCIROCCO instrument for evaluating maturity of health systems for the transfer of good practices of integrated care was presented.
Finally, the EFFICHRONIC project (Ref.: 738127), targeting chronic diseases management, also travelled to Marseille, where more than 50 flyers were distributed!
See you at the 16th World Public Health Congress!
Universitat de València
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