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The Polibienestar Research Institute of the University of Valencia chair visits the Polytechnic Institute of Braganza

The Polibienestar Research Institute of the University of Valencia chair visits the Polytechnic Institute of Braganza

  • 03/11/2022

On November 4 and 5, 2022, Full Professor Jorge Garcés, chair of the Institute of Social Welfare Policies (POLIBIENESTAR) of the University of Valencia, will visit the Polytechnic Institute of Braganza, one of the leading institutions in higher education in Portugal.

The visit’s main objective will be to establish a roadmap between both institutes for the forthcoming collaboration agreements that allow them to research and develop European projects. This year 2022, the tenth anniversary of the POLIBIENESTAR Institute, is being celebrated since it could not be celebrated last year due to the restrictions of the pandemic. POLIBIENESTAR has financed over 100 research projects in the previous decade. Among the acts of celebration of the Institute, the acknowledgement of Professor Jorge Garcés as Doctor Honoris Causa by the Polytechnic University of Valencia stands out. Garcés has an academic career of international excellence, in which he has been awarded numerous acknowledgements for his professional career. In 2014, he was named Prince of Asturias Professor at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. His career aimed to design a multidisciplinary social science project that integrated all social agents for holistic research results and also the human factor was taken account as an essential research value.

The visit agenda to the Polytechnic Institute of Braganza will consist of two days of activities. Garcés will meet with Professor Orlando Rodrigues, the institution’s President hold nd with the research groups of CIEB and CEDRI to explain the projects that are being developed in POLIBIENESTAR, which also maintains relations with other polytechnic universities, such as the Polytechnic University of Madrid. The academic visit will also be attended by Professor Estrella Durá, Full Professor of Psychology and researcher at the POLIBIENESTAR at the University of Valencia. She is currently a member of the European Parliament.

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